Анкета Winona Ryder вся информация

Фотография анкеты Winona Ryder ВКонтакте

Winona Ryder

52 года, San Francisco, США

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Родной город

San Francisco









Дата рождения

29 октября 1971

Полных лет

52 года

Дополнительные данные

Была онлайн ВКонтакте

31 августа 2012 в 07:43

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Параметры анкеты

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Minneapolis South High School


American Conservatory Theatre

Семейное положение и семья

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не замужем

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

When asked why is she always playing teenagers, during a press junket for Mermaids (1990) in 1990: "Like, I'm nineteen. What am I supposed to do, play a judge?!" I read biographies of the greats, and they were so messed up that I thought I'd better mess myself up. But I couldn't. I'm too small. For a long time I was almost ashamed of being an actress. I felt like it was a shallow occupation. People would be watching my every move. On Heathers (1988): "It's a brilliant piece of literature, and I call it literature because it really is. I held it up next to 'Catcher in the Rye' and all the great books that I've read." I don't feel threatened like Julia Roberts. Pretty Woman (1990) turned her into an overnight celebrity rather than an actress. Now her whole career is about box- office - - if her movies don't break $l00-million. It's not a burden I'd ever want to carry. I couldn't hold my own against Sigourney Weaver and those special effects. I still don't know what I was doing in that movie. I look at it now and realize I really didn't belong. I'm just this little girl running around. I still practice Buddhism to a certain extent and I believe in karma. My father is an atheist. My mother is Buddhist. They encouraged my siblings and me to take the best part of other religions to make our own belief system. I live in San Francisco, I have an apartment in New York, but I'm here all the time. Nobody knows. .. . You can't stay away. I'm a San Franciscan to the bone. I love westerns. John Ford is one of the 10 best directors. Focus should be on the art of film, not on the business of film. My godfather Timothy Leary coined the phrase 'question authority', it is one of my favorites. To question our government is the most important thing people can do right now in the US. [Explaining why she never felt guilty about her shoplifting arrest]: I didn't have this tremendous sense of guilt because I hadn't hurt anyone. Had I physically harmed someone or caused harm to a human being, I think it would have been an entirely different experience.

Любимые книги

J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye."

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